We did it!!!

Mariah • 24years old, mama to a little prince ❤💋 june 7, 2019👣

After 9 heartbreaking months. We finally did it. I am really surprised and happy. I was already preparing myself for another month of trying. I thought for sure my period was about to start with the 4 days of cramping with no bleeding. Also goodells sign I knew something was up. My dog won't leave my side even now as I write this he is crying at the door to be let in to the house. My great grandmother had a dream I had a girl a few weeks back when I was ovulating so we will just have to see.

This is what I did differently this month I took one a day prenatal 1 vitamins.

I also drank pregnancy tea. From the start of my period to the end of ovulation.

I hope this might work with you. Baby dust to everyone.