Endometriosis vs labor


Hi there to all of the mommies who have suffered endometriosis. Now to start I know that everyone has different pain levels with endometriosis, but for those of you who have already had a baby; can you compare the pain for me?

I have suffered endometriosis since I was 17 (I'm 24 now), I have had surgery to help alleviate the pain, and I have had several cyst ruptures. My question is to the mommies who have had more severe endometriosis and cyst ruptures mostly. I am deathly scared of needles and am leaning more towards a natural birth. However, this could of course change depending on how I feel once I begin labor.

My cyst ruptures have been so severe that they have almost made me pass out, however, I was still able to work my serving job just fine while it was a slow leak rupture.