4+2 cramps!!!


I am FREAKING myself out with the thought of losing this wee bean! I keep having cramps (middle right) and lower back pain which feels like I’m going to start my period any second. Any advice?? 😩😩

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Posted at
Same here! I don't remember cramping like this with my son. Mine is lower left mostly. Some hurt and some are dull but its almost constant. Saw my OB today shes not concerned since cramping is normal with the growing uterus. 🤷‍♀️ I'm gonna start using a heat pad. 🤞


Rems • Oct 2, 2018
Congrats! But be careful about the heat pad though. I heard heat is not good for the embryo ❤️


Karlie • Oct 2, 2018
Two more weeks babe!! We can do this waiting 😂😂❤️


Co • Oct 2, 2018
Right!? I'm 4+4. The nurse set up for an ultrasound sound and my OB kinda laughed. Said not much to see at this point and that it would just stress me out more not being able to see anything. 2 more weeks 🤞❤


Posted at
Cramps are normal in the first trimester and are not dangerous if you are not bleeding or if they are not like super painful. Take a warm bath or shower and try to relax <3


Karlie • Oct 2, 2018
Thank you for the reassurance xx


Posted at
Drink water and get some rest.....thats wat i do and im 4+2days


Ebbony • Oct 2, 2018
An thats ok but enjoy it and take proud in knowing yu have a little coming,, get some rest...... Congrats again due date buddy


Karlie • Oct 2, 2018
Because this is my first pregnancy, I’m over analysing every feeling 😩😂. Thank you! X


Posted at
It’s my second pregnancy too (due 14th June) and since finding out yesterday I’ve been having mild cramps on and off, particularly my left side.As others have said it IS normal although still gets me worried! Unfortunately it’s something you have to get used to! You’ll never stop worrying about your little one throughout pregnancy and then the fun comes of worrying about all sorts once they’re here! Try to take it easy and not over think things too much. Easier said than done I know! Congratulations by the way! X


Karlie • Oct 2, 2018
Thanks lovely!! I suppose I’d best get used to the worries 😂😂❤️👶🏻


Posted at
I've had cramps literally since ovulation and also bad low back pain on my left. It goes away with rest but sometimes the full cramps just linger. Unless it is making you double over in pain, are bleeding, or very sharp and constant try not to worry! You can always call your OB for reassurance too