Morning sickness STARTING at 15 weeks??


What the heck!?! Anyone else having worsening symptoms in the 2nd trimester?? I had mild nausea in the 1st and for the most part no food aversions. I still piled on 10 pounds though because carb foods still were more appealing. But now I'm eating horrible! And it doesn't even matter what I eat, I'm either super nauseas or uncomfortable with horrible heartburn/acid reflux!!! I wasn't underweight, but I did have pretty low body fat prior to getting pregnant. 125 lbs, 5'5 and body fat around like 17-19% could it have been my body didn't get sick at first because I needed more fat?? I know everyone's body is different and some women are like stick thin, but idk.... Just weird it'd hit now after I'm plumped up a bit lol...