What would you do?

Mama Of Klara👶🏼 • Taken since 06-24-2010👫💍 3 angels 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 🌈 Baby due October 2018

I’m 38w5d pregnant. I’ve been having false labor for about a week now and sooo uncomfortable. The contractions can get pretty intense sometimes. Anyways, I was walking down the hall and I had a big one plus a lightning crotch pain so I had to move slowly. I saw my fiancé walking towards me so I quickly said “ Please don’t touch me I’m hurting” he completely ignored what I said and monkey hugs me wrapping his arms around the back of my neck putting his weight on me and making me feel trapped and causing even more pain... so I screamed and wiggled out and told him to let go. (This offended him) You know how he responds? He pushes me forward and says “ Well move out of the fucking way, you’re walking too slow”

This isn’t the first time he’s done something like this. I’m sure it won’t be the last. I honestly feel so heartbroken. I can’t believe that someone who says he loves me would be so evil and lack so much respect and empathy for the woman who is growing his child and about to give birth any day.

I just lost it, I tossed his sleeping stuff in the hall and said don’t you dare come back in this room.

I don’t think I want him in the room when I deliver. I fear he will spew negativity everywhere or disrespect me somehow. He doesn’t appreciate me... but he loves this baby growing inside of me and not being there would kill him.

What would you do ? :(