Chelsea • 🔒💏Mrs.Conner💋💕

My Hubby and I

So me and my SO have been having unprotected sex and we know the consequences of STD or STI which we are both clean so no worries in that department but then there’s also pregnancy 🤰 and we have both talked and if I were to pop positive it wouldn’t be a huge deal to panic over and we’d actually be really happy but we also haven’t been purposely planning nor avoiding to the idea of having a baby

My questions that I am needing answers is....

I’ve been having the symptoms and am currently four days away today from my expected date for the beginning of my period but have taken two pregnancy tests that both popped negative so...

How accurate can at home pregnancy tests be?

Can I still possibly be pregnant?

When is the best time to check for sure?


Should I go be seen by a doctor for a more thorough test/exam?

I just need some woman to woman answers because I’m so curious I’ve had unprotected sex and no pregnancy scares with FWB and this is my first real relationship and what are the chances the first time I have unprotected sex with my boo we come to find out we are going to parents 🤰😍