TTC with endometriosis - Questions


I have finally been diagnosed with endometriosis after 2 years of unsuccessfully TTC.

I am relieved and angry at the same time. Relieved that I finally know why I was not getting pregnant, angry because I have lost precious time while experts were telling me I was just having painful periods. Angry because my ob-gyn should have seen it before...

Apparently surgery is now the only option and it’s too late for medication at this stage. Endometriosis could compromise <a href="">fertility treatment</a> results, so I have to go through it.

I have to admit I am a little scared after reading some testimonials and articles on the internet. 😥

Have any of you gone through this? How was it for you? Did you manage to conceive naturally after surgery?

So many questions! 🙈

Baby dust to you all ✨