Do i have social anxiety?

I don’t have any friends at school bc I’m afraid to talk to people. And I’m in college so there’s too many people here i might make a friend and then never see them again. And I’m afraid that if i do make a friend, they might approach me when I’m alone and i won’t know what to talk about with them

I don’t know how to start a conversation with someone. If someone comes up to me and starts talking to me i can but i can’t approach them

When I’m off of work/going on break I sit in the corner in case a coworker is sitting alone bc i don’t know if i should sit with them and wonder if they want company or should i leave them alone. And i don’t want them to see me in case they ask why didn’t i sit with them

The only person i can willingly talk to one on one (that’s not in my family) is my boyfriend

I never raise my hand in class bc I’m afraid I’ll forget what i want to say and end up babbling or losing my train of thought

When the teacher calls on me my heart rate speeds up

I unexpectedly had to recite something in class the other day and i couldn’t think straight and didn’t say everything i needed to

One of my coworkers wants to hang out but I’m spending all of my time worrying does she want to hang out or does she want WANT to hang out and how do i come across it. And I’m sitting here worrying what if she can’t make it and i sit there looking stupid for trying to initiate plans

Also i just really love being alone. I love walking around campus alone and watching YouTube alone and going to the movies alone and studying alone. I just really enjoy solitude

Sometimes when i say something at work to my coworkers, as soon as i say it i think Why did i say that i shouldn’t have said that what if they take it too seriously what if they didn’t actually think that was funny what if they’re just laughing to be nice

I know that if i do have social anxiety, it’s not as bad as it could be: i don’t have panic attacks all the time and cry and walk out of rooms or something like that. But if i do have it, how do i overcome it