Does this sound promising? πŸ€žπŸ€”πŸ€”


So heres what glow thinks ....

So i got a postitive ovulation test on 24 th , used pree seed this month aswell , for the past 4 days ive had on off cramps , been sooo tired πŸ’€ and moody as hell , i no its early im just soo impatient 🀣, ive also had a few twinges , i did a pregnancy test with fmu this morning and i swear i seen the faintest of faint line but i tried taking a bic but u cant see it in the pic , ill post pic just so u guys can see .. if anyone wants to tweak (feel free)

Do u guys rekon im over thinking ? Bearin in mind i never get pains like this on the run up of my period but the past 4 days ... aaah😩,

I no they can be anything but they are also signs of pregnancy , but is it normally to get these signs this early on ??

Any help is most appreciated πŸ’•πŸ’•

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