November Became October -- Updated


Last night at 11:30PM, my water broke. I'm now at L&D -- they expect baby to be born today! 35+4. Wish us luck!

UPDATE: Contractions were painful and consistent all night and into the morning and I got very tired because I couldn't sleep through them. So this afternoon they had me sit in a warm shower, which was lovely, and then gave me an epidural so I could sleep. Now that I've rested we started a pitocin drip to hopefully have baby out before any infections take hold. They estimate him at 6lbs and he looks great on the monitor, so now we wait for progression!

UPDATE 2: Oct 2nd, 5:05PM, baby was born. Dialated from 1.5 CM to 10 CM in just about 3 hours, pushed for 18 minutes. Baby was 5.89lbs, 19in, and exactly 1 month early. He and I have been transferred to a hospital with a NICU, since he is having a little trouble with maintaining his oxygen levels and eating, but the latest they think they'll need to keep him is Friday. I had a small tear (no one expected a FTM to shoot out a baby in 18 minutes), but am doing well overall. A little sad that I can't be with him 24/7, but it's okay because I know he's doing well for a 35 weeker and will be okay soon.

Pictures in the comments.