Housing help

So here’s the deal without me making this super long. My boyfriend and I have been trying to find a place to rent for about 6 months now with no luck. Our main issue is we both have dogs. We also both don’t have good credit (we are young). Both of our scores is about a 560. So recently, I noticed a house that is a foreclosure near where I am living right now. Its listed for 35,000 right now but it’s been for sale for almost 2 years. I am aware it needs ALOT of work done to it. But the mortgage for it would only be about $300 a month which would be super easy for us both to swing and the rest of the money that would have went to what we would have been paying for rent could go towards fixing it up. I make about $1800 a month (school bus driver) Ana he makes about $3000 (diesel mechanic). I know our credit scores aren’t good but do you think we could still get a loan?