fertility medication


So I was hit with the reality how darn expensive

fertility drugs

can be. Looking at $3,000 for my blood thinner syringe coming to something like $30 a syringe.

1.) make sure your pharmacy is ordering the RIGHT amount. That $3,000 shocked was taken down by just a human failure to see that each box comes with 10 Syringe I would only need 3 boxes! BOOM price went down to $1,300

2.) Coupons!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Who knew? I know I didn’t! You can look up that manufacture website Rx websites for coupons for that medication. Seriously 75% off!!!!!!! That helped so much!

3.) I know for me even with the coupons I used for this medication it still was around $1,250 if I was going to get it through Walgreens. SO I found a pharmacy that delivers

your Fertility medicine at such LOW coast. Alto pharmacy, it’s online! But you will talk to someone on the phone, and you will have prove your script your doctor gave you and your doctors office will have to verify. But I only paid $500 ladies! Yes! $3,000 to $500!!!!!!!

So if you’re looking for a way to get your fertility medicine at a lower coast try Alto pharmacy. I know it sounds weird and kinda scary and I was too but this was recommended to me from my fertility doctor’s front desk lady who is a angel. And she found out about this pharmacy through another patient.

Hope it helps!!!!