Keto and regulating hormones—-it works!!!


Okay, I just got my period today—- on time, like day 31- just as Glow predicted. Does this ever happen to me? Nope. My infertility issue is due to a hormonal imbalance. My periods are way irregular and I have to take Clomid to ovulate. Well since mid-August my husband and I have been eating healthy, trying the keto thing. Now, we still eat some carbs- but no bread, rice, pasta, soda, fried foods and a lot more veggies. I really think it had helped my hormones!

I ovulated day 17 too! Never happens.

With my son, I ovulate on day 27 when he was conceived.

So for those of you trying to conceive, especially if your hormones are imbalanced- this is worth a try!

Also, I have a friend who tried for 8 years and eventually had to do <a href="">IVF</a> to get pregnant. She did the keto diet for 6 months and accidentally got pregnant! It regulated her periods.

Anyway, just thought I would share!