Heartburn meds...


I forgot them the last night or two. Woke up at 4 am with THE WORST heartburn, I finally felt like I could eat around 8:30, then went back to sleep for a few hours. Even then, I still felt like I was slow roasting from the inside out. I stayed in bed until like 2 ish because I felt like the reflux was going to turn into vomit, but I finally got up and ate again. I even went ahead and took my heartburn meds this morning rather than tonight like I usually do. Since, I'm still feeling that slow roast. I'm dying ladies, I swear. I told my husband to come home with ice cream, I thought he put it away but he left it on the counter to talk to me for 20 minutes so when I finally went in for my scoop it was a little melty, but lord jesus while eating it I felt so much better. An hour later, were slow roasting on the low temp now, so it's more bearable. I told my mom if this girl doesnt come out with at least 3 inches of hair I'm calling the manager. 😂 she at least laughed with me about that one, but I think I've finally hit that "uncomfortable" stage, but I'm still enjoying it. I dont mind the heartburn, I just want my sleep. Having it so broken up today has left me drained.