What does it all mean 🧐🤔🤞(TMI, CP & CM)

BusyBee ♥️ 👫👧♥️

Ohk so since ovulation my cervix has been high, either very high or standard. It's been closed completely about 90% of the time. Ranging from medium to very soft .

This is my opk from 7dpo

Hpt from 8dpo

(⬇️cm day of and after positive opk)

Got a negative Digi on 10dpo (cp & cm the same)

Strip test on 11dpo ⬇️


These are all of the tests

Now todays cm is like this (more yellowish creamy thick)

but my cervix is (high and closed) slimy at the tip where the dimple opening is .. literally feels slick and almost covered like there's a film over it ..

I'm only 12dpo today and I'm going to wait to use fmu on 14dpo .. with the same brand so I can properly compare ..

Not going to bore you with all the twinges and pinching I feel/symptoms.

But idk what to think .. any advice or similar situations ladies?