Not sure

I feel so defeated lately. Im 9 weeks postpartum. Love my new happy with my LO, and grateful given opportunity to stay home permantly to raise her. Hubby working ALOT. Hes in construction and they go out of state at times depending on jobs. Its rough. We both know that his work schedule would be this hectic so he can provide for us all, but i never thought id feel this way. Lonely and tired. Hes making efforts to be off in sundays and most nights hes home before 9 pm, and takes off for imoirtant days, and helps at home (So needless to say is making efforts). I still feel left out, alone, and tired. Ive mentioned this ti him but he says this is only way for now, and its temporary. I miss him like crazy, and am too exhausted to push the issue, but my heart is breaking. I want to be more understanding but at same time i dont want to get used to being alone! Ugh nedded to vent!