Need someone who might be knowledgeable in this


So Tuesday night I went to the er because I was having bad pain in my left side near my pelvis. After a pelvic ultrasound, they were able to determine that I have a cyst on my left ovary. I don’t know how big it is. They couldn’t see the baby at all yet so they said they can’t rule out ectopic pregnancy yet. I am estimated 5weeks right now so I was 4 weeks 5 days when seen. The Dr said I need to follow up with an OB within 2 days and that it is really important that I be seen.

Well my husband is military and so we have tricare prime. I can’t be seen off post by an OB without a referral or else it’s an out of pocket cost and We can not afford to not go through insurance. So now I am trying to get in with an OB on post but can’t seem to get anyone on the line. This is Day 2 after the ER and idk what all this means. I don’t know what having a cyst on my ovaries during pregnancy means or what will happen. I just need some insight here bc I’m super emotional and I just want this to be a viable pregnancy till this baby is in my arms in June 2019