Dual military and pregnant


Hi! I hope there’s anyone out there that can help me, or is in the same situation as I am. My husband and I are both in the army, March i found out I was pregnant and everything has been going great til now, we’ve realized that once the baby is here (December) that a lot of things were about to get tough. I wouldn’t have a problem if we were stationed somewhere else. But we are stationed at a training facility where we do rotations, and our rotations are at different times( I go to rotation which I’m out field training, then when I’m done he goes to rotation) We were discussing about it and just everything is a mess and we don’t want this family to break apart. Seems that if I do stay in he’s taking night shifts, while I work day, and the baby will be at childcare (which is sad to think I would hardly see my husband or child). The only reason my husband says to stay in is because we are very financially stable at the moment.