Needing to rant


So my FIL just went and bought my 3 year old niece a 250 dollar fish tank just the tank not the stuff that goes with it. Now I do not care about the cost or anything like that but for my daughters 1st birthday he showed up with 15 minutes left in the party then he didn't even go say hi to her just took her cousin outside to play. At the end of the party handed my husband 20 dollars once again I dont care if he buys anything but he couldn't have even spent time with her on her own birthday! He constantly takes my niece every Friday but never asks to see my daughter. He doesnt even ask how she is. The last time he saw my now almost 2 year old was when she was 1. We have had multiple hospital stays due to a blood disorder and he never came to see her or even called. We dont get along but I put that aside for my daughter but I think it's time to say just stay away. She is going to be seeing that she is treated like trash because she is my kid! Maybe its pregnancy hormones but I'm so pissed doesnt help my sister in law likes to brag about what her dad got her daughter or how he took her so she could have a break. I dont even want those things I just want him to attempt to be in my daughter's life and what's going on with her! Tha k God my dad us great with her and my husbands step dad is the greatest. We dont even have our daughter call my husbands dad grandpa because she doesnt even know who he is! The last time he tried to hold her she was 6 months old and he got really mad because she cried because she didn't know who he was and I got blamed for it!