Breast Cancer? 😓

I am 19 years old, a female. I have a 5 month old son that is not breastfed. For the last few months (maybe 3) I have been getting discharge out of only one of my nipples. It looks like pus, whitish, sometimes i feel like it has a green or yellow tint? but its not a lot. and the breast it comes out of has continued to grow since i had my son, i also just noticed my nipple seems to be almost bulging on the areola? its tender to touch but not too bad at all. And now there are tiny red, not painful or itchy or raised, spots on the underside of my one breast.. i do not have a doctor right now and i dont know what to do 😞 my husband said he possibly felt a lump, but that it wasnt big, and he was unsure of himself bc “hes not a doctor”.. god i am stressed