How old does a child have to be to help in the kitchen?


So, my mother in law, who is generally a very nice and reasonable lady was quite freaked out when she came over and saw my two and half year old son helping me out in the kitchen. I understand she's worried about the hot stove or knives or such. I obviously keep my toddler away from those things, but I will let him stand on a stool next to me at the counter and watch ME cut things. He will grab me things from the cabinet like dried pasta or rice or a tomato from the yard. I let him cut me pieces of cling wrap (it's got one of those little slider things so there's no sharp bits showing) or bring me zip lock bags to store foods for later. He loves stirring things and spinning the salad spinner. It just seemed natural to me to include him in things I do. I know the kitchen is one of those places that can never be 100% baby proofed but I think he's old enough to learn to do a few things responsibly around the house. Thoughts?

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