I found $35 on the ground. Then...

My boyfriend and I are struggling hard right now. We broke down and had to call Salvation Army to help pay our bills. Every time I think about money, it's gotten to the point where I break down. Tonight, I decided we needed to go buy necessities. We were out of toilet paper, milk, paper towels, laundry soap, body wash, etc. We haven't been able to afford it, so we have been putting it off. Truthfully, we couldn't afford it tonight but we decided we couldn't go without (of course) and we would bite the bullet and have our electricity turned off tomorrow and find other ways to make money to get it back on. We were walking to check out (I hadn't been calculating to save the stress) and I saw $35 on the ground. $20 and three $5's. My boyfriend instantly snatches it up and knowing that I would say to return it he instantly said "No. We aren't returning it." I started to panic and I said, "What if those people were us? What if that was their only money left?" And he said, "Well that's unfortunate. But we need this. We have to be selfish." I felt awful but he was right. We NEEDED it. It was a shitty move but it had to happen. I walked outside to my car and he stayed in to pay (my feet were killing me and I wanted to sit. I have an inflamed tendon.) He comes out and hands me the receipt...