Paternity Test

Is it possible to get one done before baby is born? A little back story: My boyfriend (Kyle) and I split up for a few weeks back in May, and my other ex(Damien) and I got in contact again and met up in a hotel room. We drank, talked and had sex. Up to the point I slept with my ex (Damien), my boyfriend and I have been having sex so much during our split. (We still wanted to sleep with eachother, weird I know) but we’ve been having sex for a year and no pregnancy scares until I slept with Damien boom I’m pregnant. I told Damien I’m pregnant, and I’ve given him his space. Still am. But I really need to know so I can move on from Damien with Kyle. Kyle knows we slept together as well. (I’ve also had a dream recently, that my baby was in fact Kyles because he had his features idk if anyone believes dreams tells you things but that’s what I dreamt of)