Going to college while pregnant (mild language)

MaKayla • 💕Vet Tech graduate🐶FTM to Ash💕

So I’m in college to be a vet assistant and today I was awarded an Honor Roll certificate! I’m so happy that my grades didn’t drop due to being so sick with this nausea! My teacher and classmates have seriously helped me through this and I am so grateful ❤️ even after my boyfriends friend (he is older, in his 50s) and got angry and started insulting me and my boyfriend because unlike traditional couples. My boyfriend wants the baby to have my last name and he even wants to change his name! So his 50 year old friend, his wife and 28 year old daughter who sits on her ass all day doing nothing (I’m 22, and all of them do nothing at all and pay their bills with help from the government) started talking shit about it! Saying how I didn’t love him if I “let him throw his legacy away” and all this other sexist bullshit! My boyfriend was furious! He thought of them as his family and once they started insulting me and our baby, he has become depressed. So I’ve been stressed and upset, (they are also his roommates) and I’m just trying to not be angry but that’s my name. That’s MY legacy. And they are being total assholes. 😔