Birth story was insane

Birth story was insane!
So i was 38.1 when I really started walking, like speed walking and making sure a woddled to keep pressure by my vagina. I was hurting but not anything I was worried about. So the next night 38.2 I walked and walked and walked, but again nothing super painful just some small cramps here and there. I was 1cm at 36 weeks up and 37 weeks. Well I continue to walk to help progress everything but naturally. 38.3 I went walking and I did squats and exercised to the fullest. That night I began to have sharp sharp pains in my lower abdomen and back constractions, so it was enough to worry about. I went to L&D and found to be dilated to 2, and super thin, so they wanted me to walk for an hour and get checked again so then I ended up going to a 3, so they asked me to walk another hour to see if I progressed, ended up walking another hour because I didn’t progress. After that hour, I went to a 4 so they kept me, was there for 12 hours and they released me for not progressing.. I was pretty upset cause they told us to call family and everything which was 15 hours away and they were 7 hours deep by the time I was being released. So my doctor recommended more walking, so I didn’t just that. 38.4 I was in the worst pain I’d ever been in. I mean to the point I was cussing and saying the meanest things. Went back to L&D and they checked and was still at 4 so they sent me home!!!!!! BOY I WAS PISSED, I WAS IN LABOR JUST NOT CONTRACTING FAST ENOUGH!! So I was in so much pain for the next 24 hours and 35.5 around 2:00am I COULD NOT TAKE IT NO MORE!! so I went back and was still four so I walked for and hour through my contractions and everything! WORST PAIN IN THE WORLD, I’m bawling my eyes out at this point cause I haven’t slept or preogressed from 4 in 3 days! But I ended up getting checked and went to a 6!!!! My doctor only recommended 5 but I was 6 thank Jesus!! I was admitted and got my epidural and gave labor within just a few hours and only had to push for 20 minutes and my Kenzie May Ainsworth arrived at 6 lbs 11oz 21’. She’s so beautiful and sweet! Love sweet baby so much y’all!! And I’m completely in love with MY little. Doesn’t seem real even though she’s here and I carried her 9 months.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️