The nerves and anxiety are real


Long story short. I’ve had a shorty 3 weeks,

In and out of hospital 3rd UTI in pregbsny thrush and also kidney stones,

And ache in my left side constantly and have hardly been able to sleep for weeks now. I have bled a few times lightly / spotting and yesterday I went to the hospital they gave me my first steroid injection if our little boy decides he’s coming sooner due to the pains and bleeding I’ve been having.

I have my birthing options appointment today where I was going in with the attitude I’m Having an elective c section, which is our right in the UK on the nhs. It’s very hard but defiantly considered and do able.

I understand risks and recovery there are risks with any birth vaginally or c section.

I’m 30Weeks in 2 days time,

Has anyone had a birthing options clinic in uk ? What do they say?

Has anyone had elective c section!?

Just to add if he comes sooner I will let nature do it thing, in the meantime I’m opting for a csection