How to be successful at BF the 2nd time round?!

Hello! So I'm 12 weeks preg with baby number 2. Baby number 1 is only 19 weeks old! ,(c section) Oops! But, with number 1 we were in hospital for 8 days because he was jaundice, they didn't give me a pump whilst i was there even when i asked for one, and we were advised to forumla feed, and then basically put him back under the UV light. So we never got to work on his latch or skin to they were so set on us having him under the UV soon as we were done feeding formula. My milk came in about day 4 and i had a pump at home which i got the OH to bring to hosp, but i wasn't great at doing it regularly enough...i was so exhausted from my c section, the pain, worried about baby etc. I never managed to get my supply back up and so he stayed on forumla.

I'm worried about the same scenario with number 2. What can i do differently? Should i demand that we breastfeed at the hosptial?