Early Donation


Hello everyone! I need some help form you ladies. Long story short, my hubby was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago and had radiation close to his reproductive area. Since his recovery we hadn’t been actively TTC, just said if it happens it happens. For two years nothing happened, his doctor had already told him his chances of reproduction were close to none. So we decided to go a different route.

I got a donor that matches my husband’s looks and heritage. This is my second cycle with my donor.

On Wednesday I got a positive OPK, using a digital one with the blinking smiley face. It was the first high test so I decided to meet my donor yesterday. I had to travel several hours to get the donation (natural insemination). I’m supposed to ovulate on the 8th. I might not have another chance to get another donation closer to my OV.

Did anyone do the baby dance 3-4 days before ovulation and still get pregnant? I know sperm can live inside for up to seven days, so there is a chance.

What do y’all think? I know everyone is different but I’d like to hear your experiences, is it too early? Our first try I had a solid smiley on Thursday but didn’t receive my donation until Saturday and I did not get a BFP. How accurate are these OPKs?

Thank you in advance for your input and understanding.