
My sister has been a daughter to me since we were babies. I love that girl with everything in me her>anyone.

When we were little my birth mother would leave me and my sister in the house by ourselves she was a newborn and I was only a year old. She was dying she was malnourished. I was told that I would give her my bottle bc I could sense something wasn’t right. I feel like because of that at a young age I always felt like her mom I always had this overwhelming need to care for her. I remember one time she forgot her jacket at home and it was cold and I cried and cried until I got a ride to give it to her. We’re only 1 year apart so me acting like her mother sets her off. she hates me for it

Keeps secrets from me

She got herself into drugs she got herself into bad situations and I didn’t even know about it till now.

I need advice she’s terrible to me treats me terrible tells me she wishes I was dead I can tell she wants nothing to do with me. It breaks my heart I love her to death what do I do? Let her go?