I don’t know what to do


So I’m not really sure what to do in my relationship with my boyfriend. He is always be very overprotective to the point where he accuses me of doing things I’m not even doing. Like for instance an example is that when we got off of work last night as we were leaving the building my boyfriend said he so called saw me talking to this dude that was all up on me, which I didn’t even know a dude was walking so close behind me. He was like he was looking at your butt and I saw you talking to him which I wasn’t. Anytime he sees me walking near a dude or briefly having a short conversation (which is usually always about work) he accuses me of cheating on him. Last night he told me that if I mess up another time he was going to start doing what he wants and talking to other women and fuck whoever he wants because I’m entertaining other men. Which I’m not even doing. I’m just at a loss, I really love my boyfriend and I want to be with him but he’s making it hard. He always thinks I’m doing something with other men when that’s not the case at all. When I tell him what he thinks is happening isn’t even happening he says I’m a compulsive liar and I’m not even lying about it. He’ll sit there and scream at me and swear at me over something I’m not doing but he thinks it’s happening. And it’s to the point where I’m in tears. I can understand where he thinks I’m doing something because I got out of a relationship with my daughters dad and I left him to be with my current boyfriend. He always said he thinks I’m going to cheat on him and leave him for someone else. Which I would never do. After what happened in my last relationship I could never do something like that again. I felt to guilty about what had happened. I just don’t know what to do or how to prove to him that he’s worrying to much.