Help me pls

This is a long story.. buckle up

So I’ve been on the pill for about three years. I had my last period (placebo week) 9-12. I started my next pill pack late (the 14th). On the 14th my bf and I were messing around, not having sex, and he came. Then about an hour later we were messing around and then he did put it in. It was only for about 5 minutes and then I was like “NO. I CAN PREGNANT LIKE THIS” and we stopped immediately. I was still scared, and on the planned parenthood website it says taking 4 white pills in the low-ogestrol pack subs for a plan b so I took them later that night and then continued on my birth control, followed it exactly to the T for the rest of the month. I’m not on my placebo week again and I haven’t started my period yet. I started freaking out about a week ago and have taken 5 first response pregnancy tests and they have all been negative. But I still haven’t started. Could this be because of the hormonal imbalance I caused from taking 4 pills at once? Or should I keep testing? I just need some advice please!!