Be warned. Really gross booger pic. is this normal????

I’ve been sick for like 3 weeks it started off like allergies / clear mucus, then a really small minor cold then my husband got sick, and then it REALLY hit me. I developed a cough, sore throat, slight fever but not really fever 99.9/100 & that’s it really. Some minor aches for a day with the fever and it didn’t last longer than that. I finally stopped pushing through it and just rested and stayed hydrated and that really got me significantly better.

I was concerned it was worse than I thought before getting better because I was leaking tan watery boogers. Tan meaning there must have been blood. Then once after sneezing it was blood dripping but pretty diluted and minimal (maybe 4 drops) it didn’t even happen again after blowing my nose right after.

That happened for like a day and a half. & I read it can be normal since your nose lining is irritated and blood vessels etc from sneezing and blowing.

I’m feeling better now, no sore throat, cough is minimal just the scratchy feeling like once you’re getting over a cold but I’m still REALLY congested in my face.

The last 3 days I’ve had a sinus pressure migraine every morning, and today this came out *pic below*

I’m not even stuffed like I can breathe but I just feel my face / sinus cavities congested. My left eye hurts like when you have a migraine. When I blow my nose, I hear the mucus above my eyes/forehead (idk if i can explain but hopefully you know the sound)

Is this just part of the healing phase ? It’s honestly been so long since I’ve been sick and I’ve never in my life had bloody boogers or mucus like this, maybe a random spec. Im not even blowing my nose that often anymore or even sneezing often so that’s what kind of concerns me? But I honestly have no idea why it wouldn’t be normal.

I see a holistic doc to get therapy / aligned and he said it’s not the flu and is likely viral.

But don’t have a regular PCP