10/5 - CD 11 / Good news (finally!)

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

Whew, to say that I'm relieved would be an understatement. This morning went well. The attorney had told us from the beginning that it appears that the prosecution has no case and would have a really hard time proving anything, and so far that's seeming to be true. He had the hearing waived and scheduled the trial for next month, but all of the felony charges were completely dropped, which is great news. They're trying to offer a deal, they want him to plead guilty to one misdemeanor charge, and everything else would be dropped. The attorney wasn't comfortable having him take the deal just yet, being that he's innocent and deserves his chance to see if he can fight this. The fact that they're willing to drop pretty much everything looks good for him, and they're leaving the deal open if he decides he wants to take it in the future. The attorney is going to look over the case in depth and then advise if he thinks we can move forward with fighting it, or if he thinks he should take the deal. The deal isn't bad at all, but the fact that he's innocent and would be pleading guilty to ANYTHING just isn't fair, and he doesn't deserve to have any of this on his record, even though it could be expunged in a couple of years.

We still have a lot of hurdles to face, but overall I'm feeling a ton of relief and more like there's actually an end in sight to this nightmare.

On to TTC... 😬😬😬

My temp was really low this morning, but I'm willing to bet that was because I had a fan directly on me all night. I'm drinking my Pregnancy Tea, and I just did an OPK. Negative, but darker than I expected it to be. Maybe just 2-3 days out...? I always surge so quickly, it's hard to tell!