I can’t understand why I can’t say sorry


It’s my presentation day and there bunch of deadlines happening. My professor gave us 10 minutes break and I find that time to use it to go and consult my thesis after that my friends take a long time eating many hours just for chitchats and take note they also had the guts to buy a piece of bread and they were confident that the reporter who is me are with them and after that we go to the photocopy station and photocopied our abstracts and forms. As soon as we go to our room, my professor look at me very mad and irritated for wasting her time. I was black out while I’m reporting and I don’t have enough words to say because of her mood while she’s listening to me. After the report, she walked out because my blockmates were very noisy during my report. I dont know what I think that time and find my self blaming my blockmates for going to the bakeshop and buy a piece of bread even if it’s eating the whole lecture hours. Right now, she’s not talking to me and so am I. My best friends said that I should say sorry first because I blame her first.

What can I do?? I hate the mood. It feels unusual. Should I say sorry then?