

I'm 19 almost 20... I dont know how I could persuade my father or talk to him to get with the idea of moving out to a mixed apartment. And what I mean by mixed, I mean boys and girls. I know everyone quite well. My roommate from freshman year, my coworker who I'm currently talking to, and his friend. Now my father is arguing the fact that he doesn't know the two young men at all. Which is understandable which is why I said we all need to introduce ourselves. He doesn't even want to do that. All I know is that I'm moving the fuck out of here. I can't deal with my stepmother anymore. Shes crazy. I've dealt with her for 5-6 years now, and I'm not gonna stay here with negative energy snd have someone put me down all the time. I would move with just my old roommate, but shes not even working and I dont want to depend on someone who has to depend on her parents money. The rest of us have jobs, and are making good money and the more people living in the apartment the cheaper. He wants me to move in with all girls, but for me I know that's a recipe for disaster. I lucked out my freshmen year with wonderful people on campus, but now we're off campus and I just dont want to deal with all girls. Too much drama, people bringing in their boyfriends or whatever guy they're talking to that week. Everyone I know is mature and responsible, and the only reason why I have my my old roommate with me because I know no one would go for me just living with boys, and I'm not stupid. Even though I trust them, anything could happen these days. But yeah what do you guys think? Regardless of what my father thinks I'm still gonna try to go through with it. I'm a young adult, and he can't keep me here. I dont want to stay here anymore. Some words have been said from my stepmother, and like I said before I will not be staying here to be treated like shit. I would also like to move out so I can grow into the young adult I would like to be. I can't necessarily do that with all these restrictions. I grew up being sheltered in hs. I dont need to be sheltered in college too. 🙄