Depression/ Regret


Hello everyone I am new to this group. Beginning of this year I ended a really toxic abusive relationship. My ex use to beat me all the time and forced me to break a law for his self gain. Ever since I broke that law life has been up and down. I got him out of my life and blessings started rolling in. I got a new job, I got my freedom/happiness back, my daughter was a lot happier as well. But also consequences, my license got suspended when I got into a car accident in his vehicle even though he told me he had insurance on it..(he lied). Then I got in trouble with the law from what he made me do those months ago. Now I’m on house arrest for 44 days. I have all these fines and fees to pay off because of it. I was doing so well before him and he used me for his self gain just to get another place behind my back n move his now fiancé in there. He put me into a lot of debt... I feel like I’m never up I’m always up n down up n down. I feel so stressed out,depressed, and I feel a lot of regret. Financially bills are kicking my butt. I did fall in love with someone else who has been nothing but supportive to me we are 6weeks pregnant another blessing. Things have been falling into place. But I can’t stop beating myself up over it. I vent to the wrong ppl, and then my business gets put out into the open. I just want a peace of mind... I’m always all over the place worrying about the next thing day by day. I just wanted to rant on here I have no one to talk too.