Help! Flooding in house/landlord??

Abby • #1 2-21-15, #2 9-3-19 ❤️

Alright y’all. Need help. Seems like the shitshow that is my life just never stops.

So when we moved in, we had an issue with the toilet. The landlord ‘fixed’ it but it kept running for a long time after anything. Husband texted him telling him, and said that it’s the assembly and maybe that should be replaced. Landlord said no that it’d be fine, and to not fix it or replace it.

Fast forward to this morning. We fall asleep. Wake up. Hallways flooded. Water in carpets. In every room. Basically wall to wall. Bought a ShopVac, but there’s WAY too much water. Gone over one room over 5 times (and we know how to properly do it) but there’s still so. Much. Water.

What’s the proper way to go about this? We both think the carpets will have to be replaced, but will that be on the landlord because we told him (a few times) that it needed to be fixed or replaced and he said it’d be fine? Or on us?

I’m nervous because geico keeps timing out when i go to hit my policy, or I can only see my auto and not auto and renters. To me it only looks like auto renewed this month and not auto and our renters, but I can’t open it without a time-out message happening, so it makes me nervous af.

Any answers would help. Thanks y’all.