PLEASE...I need help!!! What is this?!?!

It's been 6 fucking weeks and no one will help me. Even an ER doc turned me away and told me to drink less water after handing me an $1800 bill for them doing NOTHING!!!

This started out as what I thought was a UTI. 2 cultures and 3 antibiotics later - it's not. Because everyone thinks my urine looks healthy - straw yellow, they think nothing is wrong. I have non-stop urgency. I'm probably using the restroom at least 30 times a day to pee. Sometimes it stings, sometimes it doesn't. I've also been getting cramps under my right rib cage ONLY (like the kind you get if you go swimming too soon after eating). AND I have this white sediment coming out in my urine. It is NOT yeast. There's no yeast anywhere down there. At 36 I've had enough yeast infections to know what it feels like. Everyone makes me feel like I'm crazy including my partner and I just want to cry because no one will help me to find answers. If there is anyone in the medical field on here that recognizes what this may be - please respond. For a few weeks my urine also had a wretched smell, like the smell of UTI in a nursing home (I smelled it most of the summer in my CNA training program and it smelled just like that).

My toilet isn't dirty, those are scuff marks from having to use a snake. My apologies.

The sediment is mostly above the bubbles - also from my urine. The white sediment sits on top and kind of clouds around itself which can be hard to see from the pics. I got the best pics I could.

I used a filter on this one to try and give a better view of it.

Sorry, I wasn't sure where to post this. I thought maybe a health group.