Varying BP?


I’ve been having high BPs since 24 weeks and symptomatic but all have been under 150/90. I go to my OB once or twice a week and she originally planned to deliver me at 28 (now) if my pressure got worse. I went Friday and it hasn’t but go in if I ever get a reading greater than 150. Saturday I felt so terrible all day and I got a pressure of 157/109 and I retook it at the hospital I work at about 15 minutes later and it was 153/97. I went to labor and delivery and they laid me down and turned the lights off and took my pressure about 30 minutes after I was laying down and it was 149/89 and they were like “oh you’re fine” and it proceeded to go between 120s-140s systolic. Does this happen to anyone else? I felt like I wasted everyone’s time and missed work for no reason.