My period is back!!!


This could be terrible or sound bad when you’re TTC but I kinda feel that this might be good?

My period stopped in December and in March the doctor said “Yeah, no follicles darling. You’ll need a donor”. And told me to leave the room...

I didn’t give up, that rude doctor wasn’t going to ruin my dream. “I’m almost 36, I know it’s getting tight but come on mate, give this body another chance”. Did a lot o research, lost a bit of weight (still need a big more), starting a healthier diet and a bunch of supplements.

This is the 3rd cycle I have back and this one is a full one. Normal symptoms and flow and I’m happy with it! Is that weird?

Happy because I have a period when I just want a baby?

I see this as my body creating a perfect lining...

This is my body greeting me ready for my second opinion appointment next month! Isn’t it?

“Im 36, it’s still early to give up” I say! Low AMH? Yeah I know it’s low... I mean... damn low... but what if I can still have a chance?

I’m not giving up. And so shouldn’t you!