10/8 - CD 2


Sending the universe all my positive thoughts 🎉 things I’m hopeful for...

I will get my BFP this month.

I will ovulate earlier this month. Really hoping closer to cd15 🙏🏼

I will time BD perfectly (even if I have to try extra hard to seduce my husband 😂)

I will be patient, and not test until 10dpo at the very earliest.

Low stress, positive mindset, good energy all around.

I will drink more water and make healthier food choices.

I will take this month in stride and pray, pray, pray.

I’m not messing around this cycle. I will remind my husband the harder we try this cycle, maybe we won’t have to continue to do all of this TTC craziness anymore. I know he’s getting impatient, too.

I will read this post 20x a day if I have to.

Ladies, I’m all in. Ready to do this! 👊🏼💥