So over baby mama


ive been around for 3 years. My husband and i have 3 kids together, we plan on sticking together. Well years before (like high school) he and his ex had 2 kids together but didnt work out. BUT shes been trying ever since. Flirting with him every chance she can get and trying to get him to go over alone and things bc she thinks he will give into her. Well the 2 oldest (their kids) started school this year. She has refused to do homework with them, she keeps them home when they dont need to be, and she keeps the kids homework, lunch boxes, and backpacks that my husband paid for at her house until he tell her that she "forgot" them and to bring them over or we pick them up. Its just so she can see my husband more 🙄 well this time she put her oldest in shoes that are falling apart and her 2nds homework. My husband called her yesterday after she left, last night before bed and this morning. Comes this morning and shes not at the bus stop to drop the shoes and homework off, she texted me bitching that i didnt call her again this morning to make sure she would be there. She has no other kids, nothing else to worry about. I have 3 more little ones to worry about. Especially when my twins are screaming in the back seat bc they are hungry im not sticking around bc you decided to sleep in. Im not parenting a parent. She did not like thag response because my husband still parents her and gives her whatever she wants. Literally so done with this bitch