Heavy Period, Severe Pain. HELP


Hello all!

❤️A Little Bit of Backgroud:

I've always had heavy periods, severe cramping, along with irregulardue to ovarian cysts. I also have PCOS. I had my first pregnancy and delivered on July 4th. This Pregnancy was very hard. It resulted in surgery while pregnant to remove a cyst and ended up having to take out the ovary as well.


This is my first period since delivery and the pain is maximaized, especially in my lower back and the location where the ovary was removed. This pain is so bad I'm waking up in the middle of the night crying in pain(I have a high tolerance for pain).

Bleeding is severe, I'm going through a SUPER Tampon PLUS and extra HEAVY FLOW pad every 3 hours.

❤️ Is this normal? What do you suggest to help with severe pain and severe nausea?

❤️ I've tried:

- Midol

- Pamprin

- Ibprofin

- Tylenol

- Heating Pad