What breed of dog is he??

Sorry if this is the wrong group but I couldn't find one better suiting. My boyfriend and I got this dog who I believe looks JUST like an American pit. I had an American pit from a breeder who was identical to him. My boyfriend said there's no way. And that he may have pit in him but that's not his breed. It's been such a knock down drag out. What do you think?

A few notes as well: Yes, I know "pitbull" isn't really a "pure" breed or one breed. But rather it's any bulldog/terrier mix. However, there are 4 bully/pit breeds that are recognized as pure breeds. American Pitbull terrier is one of them, as well as Amstaff (Staffordshire terrier). Also, please look up American pit and Amstaff before voting. They look different than the "traditional" pits that you most commonly see.

Also: he's 60 lbs.

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