
I won’t get into detail but growing up i didn’t have the best parents. Neither of them were really “there” my mom took care of me but she wasn’t ever involved. Wasn’t nurturing, affectionate, loving and pretty mean sometimes. Anyways, growing up being 20 now i realized it was never me & it was just her. She had problems within that she didn’t & doesn’t deal with. Her mom left when she was probably 13-14 and treated her like shit. They still don’t have a good relationship till this day! I use to cry to my mom and tell her i don’t want a relationship like her and her mom had/has. Anyways I’ve been with my boyfriend for a few years now and i just always wanted a perfect family because I’ve never had one. I day dream of what kind of mother I’ll be, how I’ll always have my child’s back through anything they go thru. Right or wrong. My home will always be open for my child & they’ll never have to guess if i love them or not. I’m 27 weeks pregnant & have been having a tough time for the past few months with my boyfriend.. idk what’s going on, but he just can’t seem to get it right. I feel so alone, we live together in his house and he knows everything I’ve dealt with, with my family & knows how important it is to me to have a close family.. i cry to him too telling him how important it is and nothing getting they to him either, i called my mom and told her i really need a mom right now & asked her if i could go back home & she just sat there and said no.. i just don’t know where to go from here. I feel like i have no one in my life that truly has my back or is there for me. I feel so alone right now & stuck.. i have no where to go, and i don’t want to be here getting out through stress because my boyfriend can’t get it together. Any advice on how i should go about any of this?