When to start freezing?🍼❄️


My son is 2 weeks today and I’m exclusively pumping right now. I wanting to EBF but once we left the hospital he wanted nothing to do with my boob 😩 (I still try to nurse him every now and then, he just won’t have it).

Anyways, he takes 3oz every 3 hours(ish), and I try to pump right after I’ve fed him...except for night time bc I’m just too tired between feedings to pump 😩.

I’m wondering, how do y’all know when to start freezing your milk? I’ve got the next few feedings in the fridge ready for him, and I’ve started pulling the next feeding out and putting it on the counter once he’s done eating. This morning I managed to pump 4oz from each side and I had 2 sample storage bags that came with my pump so I tested those out and they’re currently sitting in my freezer for the future 🙌🏼. Also, how full do you fill your bags to? My bags only go to 5oz and like I said I filled them to 4oz bc that’s all that came out. I just ordered storage bags off amazon bc I’m tired of having to constantly clean my bottles that came with my pump.

Thank you mamas!!!