Bottle Introduction?


My baby will be a month old in 3 days. Last night I gave him a 3 oz bottle of breast milk because the night before he would not latch onto my breast. I would give him his passie and he would make a weird grunting noise while sucking on it, making me think he was hungry. He was pretty fussy and just seemed uncomfortable. I would try and put him to the breast but he would just cry. So I pumped & he ended up eating 3 oz and then going straight to sleep. Prior to this, breastfeeding has been a BREEZE. Great weight gain, great output.

He is also usually a very good baby during the day, sleeps great, eats great. At night is when these problems occur.

A couple of questions: is it a bad idea to introduce him to the bottle or should I just tough out him refusing the breast? My goal of the bottle besides fixing the refusal is to give him one before bedtime & hope for a little longer stretch of sleep. And also, so he will hopefully take bottles in the future if I need him to.

Other question: will a newborn baby take a passie or go to sleep even if they are still hungry? I'm afraid he is taking a passie even tho he's still hungry..