Finally its my time again!!!!

My husband and I been ttc for over 3 years. We felt like we were ready to start our small family. Im irregular and dont know i would had ovulated thats even if i would get my period that month. I tried using opks but i always ended up getting negatives for 3 months or 5 months. I was just waiting my money for nothing. I gave up! I told him we would just baby dance without knowing. A year went on and nothing. Two years went on and i actually got my period 3 times that year but no pregnancy. Three years went on and yet nothing.

I had a physical check up with my family doctor and she had asked me when was the last period. I told her that i dont get my periods normal. I also told her that i went a whole year without having a period. She looked at me shocked. So she went on and told me that its time for me to see an ob/gyn because its not good to go such a long time without uterus shedding. I set up an appointment with the ob/gyn and she did so many blood work and she didnt find anything wrong with me or my uterus. No pcos, no hormonal changes. So she prescribed me provera to get my uterus cleaned out. She told me to wait to see if the second month i would get my period on my own and i didnt. The third month i didnt get no period.

I then told her that my husband and I been trying to get pregnant and she told me that she can prescribed me clomid. She told me that not everyone gets pregnant on their first time. I didnt listen to her i knew this was the thing that would help me get pregnant for sure! So i ended up going to the follicle check and there was one egg mature enough. I was so happy and nervous. It was time to do a pregnancy test And it came back positive. I cried my eyes out and jumped up and down. I made an appointment to confirm it and i was very pregnant. I made my husband a cute pregnancy announcement. He was also crying and wouldnt let go of me. We went in for our first ultrasound and we came back with bad news. That our baby heart beat is super low and it could be a sign of miscarriage. It broke my heart into million of pieces and i was crying like a baby. My husband did too. We went back two weeks later and there was no baby nor heart beat. Just an empty sac. I was scheduled to get a d&c since i couldnt miscarried on my own the rest that was left. This all happend in april, 2018 i was only 6 weeks pregnant.

We been trying to get pregnant ever since and no luck. I been on clomid for 2 cycles and no pregnancy. Both with possibilty of twins. I told my doctor i wanted a new plan and she got me on femara with trigger shot if everything turn out right with the follicles. Again i ended up with two big follicles. And got the trigger shot that same day. I told my husband he better come home early from work and he did. Which was really funny because he thought something bad happend. I told him no that i wanted to baby dance and he looked at me and ask me if i was addicted to his thingy. I looked at him and told him that was not the point. We baby danced the next day and both days using preseed. We skip a day and the other day we baby danced and so on. I then had to take a pregnancy test at 14dpo but i couldnt wait. I took one at 12dpo and faint positive. I took another one the next day and darker. And today i got a super dark positive. Lord knows how much we struggle through. I just pray that my baby or babies stick through and i can carry perfectly well. Please pray for me. I dont want to go through another miscarriage.

I also forgot to add that my first due date was a day after my birthday. My due date was this month- oct 27. And this month im a month pregnant. Lord knows how he plans things out. When i least expected that i would be pregnant again i got pregnant. I have to go in for blood work today 10/9. I did told my husband that i was pregnant he told me that he knew it way before me. He started to notice a big difference in my face. He said that i was glowing this month. I love him to death, i just pray i can give him a family soon!