Post nexplannon

Kaarina • Baby #1 on the way

I got my nexplannon removed the a month ago. And I haven’t received a period yet 🤔 my boyfriend and I have been trying but nothings happened yet. I’m having all the symptoms of PMS but nothing has happened. Any ideas? My period was always super irregular on the nexplannon for the 3 years i had it. Helllppppp

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Posted at
I got mine out a month ago. I still haven’t had a period. I didn’t have but one the year and half I was on nexplanon. We have been trying. The last test I took two weeks ago was negative. Testing again this weekend. I’m starting to feel bloated and moody which was the same with baby #1.


As • Oct 10, 2018
I am crazy moody and bloated!!! Keeping my fingers crossed


Patty • Oct 10, 2018
Yeah I keep thinking my period will come each day and then nothing. You may call your doctor.


Kaarina • Oct 10, 2018
I’ve been having all PMS signs but no period yet. Don’t know what to think


Posted at
Hi, I was just wondering if you ever got your period? I'm in a similar situation is why I'm asking.


Posted at
I never had a period after it but did ovulation strips and managed to get pregnant 2 months after removal. It made figuring out when I was ovating more difficult but we now have a 6 month old so not impossible!


Posted at
I’m in the same boat as your got mine out june2nd and still no period . I cramp and get pimples but nothing :(


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I didn’t have a period for 2 months after I got mine out.


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Hey!! I don’t know if you got a period yet but after I got mine out i went one birth control pills to reset my cycle and after a month it worked. Now I get a period every month. I track my ovulation and everything seems normal. (I only took the pills until I got a period )


Posted at
My story is very similar to yours I got it out a little over a month after having it for the three years I’m not trying to conceive but I also have not received a period yet but just like you I had a very irregular period before getting on it. I heard it is possible for it to take a little while for the birth control to completely leave your system but everyone is different.


Posted at
Got my Nexplanon taken out in Oct. and I still don’t have a normal cycle. My doctor said that our next steps is taking progesterone to induce periods. My doctor said it’s normal to not have a normal cycle for atleast 6 months after removal. 🤷‍♀️ My husband and I are TTC as well and it is very frustrating knowing that I can even have a normal cycle let alone try to conceive a baby.


Posted at
I got mine removed in October period were super irregular once it was removed. I started taking a conception vitamin and now my cycle is 32-35 days long but finally somewhat regular as of March.


Posted at
I had the Nexplanon for six years. Got it taken out October 2016, didn't get my first period after removal until July 2017. Then nothing until February 2018. Didn't get pregnant until March 2018!!Nexplanon is HORRIBLE and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.