Should i stop being with him

I recently just got a boyfriend he’s 21 recently just got his house and has a car and a great job downside of everything is his job requires him to go in alot but when hes not busy he will come over maybe once or twice out of the week he’s a horrible texter like doesn’t know how to text back call back or nothing he will apologize for it with he’s tired im a understatement person but theres times where hes just playing the game And ignores me all day im 18 and i dont wanna sound like im complaining to him and wanting all his attention but wen he does come see we literally have sex every single time not once has he just talked to me or just conversated with me like and he calls me his girlfriend and tells everyone im his gf but wen i asked him what are we? He said he doesnt know im confused like i dont know what to do we have a good connection but i would like it to be better